Denton, TX Volunteer Rainfall Totals


Denton rainfall totals and rain amounts
...or the lack thereof.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is sleet and snow measured
and reported here?

Sleet, snow and freezing rain are captured in a special device that meets NWS standards. The icy precipitation is then melted and measured for its liquid equivalent (in inches, like rain) after the winter storm has passed. Additionally, snow is captured on a level plank and measured (in inches) with a common ruler. All icy precipitation is reported after the storm has passed in the "Previous Rain" section of this site.

Is this site an official weather reporting service?

Although the data reported on this site is collected by precision equipment, and is reported to The National Weather Service and NOAA as part of the Citizen Weather Observer Program, this site has no other affiliation with the NWS or NOAA, and is therefore an unofficial reporting site.

What kind of gauge is used to measure rainfall?

Rainfall and all other weather data is collected by a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 weather station that is equipped with a precision rain collector and a fan aspirated radiation shield (FARS) to further increase temperature accuracy on very hot days with little or no wind.

How often are rain amounts updated?

Rainfall is reported automatically in 6 minute intervals. So during rain events, if you leave this site on your screen, be sure to refresh your browser every six minutes or so in order to see the updated rain amounts.

Can I trust the accuracy of the
rain amounts on this site?

As previously mentioned, the data here is collected by precision equipment and reported to The National Weather Service and NOAA as part of the Citizen Weather Observer Program. The NWS screens contributors for data reliability.

Having said that, however, any information posted on this site should NOT be used for official or otherwise critical purposes, or for any purpose that may cause loss of life or property, or that may cause financial loss.

Sometimes your rain amounts don't match
those measured at the airport. Why?

Any differences in rain amounts is due to the fact that rainfall totals can indeed vary significantly from location to location within the same town, which is one of the principal reasons this site was built in the first place.

Why does the National Weather Service
show rain on some days that you don't?

Again --- any differences in rain amounts is due to the fact that rainfall totals can indeed vary significantly from location to location, even short distances away, within the same rain event.

Why do other weather sites show lower
temperatures for Denton?

Temperatures here within the city will be slightly warmer, generally, than official temperatures taken out at the airport where heat radiating rooftops, asphalt and cement are less of an influence. Also, windspeeds at this station are measured at ground-level where humans are, so windspeeds will typically be slightly lower than official readings, which are taken 10 meters above ground - where humans are not - except for those adventurous few who live in tall trees and have access to the Internet.

This is a brand new site so I'll post more questions here when I receive them.

© 2014 Keith Clementson LLC
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